The danger of staging a UX theater with Tanya Snook

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Are we all just putting on a show? A few years ago, Tanya Snook coined the phrase UX Theatre to describe when we are just acting like we’re doing user-centred design rather than actually doing it. 

UX design is a young field, and as such, new ideas are often explored and tested. However, this can also lead to problems when these experiments are not carefully thought out and staged. This can have unintended consequences that can damage the UX design process and even lead to layoffs. As UX designers become more mature, they should be aware of the dangers of staging a UX theater and ensure their experiments are well-planned and executed to avoid any negative consequences.

We need to learn how to recognise UX theatre, how to transition from just acting to actually doing.  We also look into the crucial part designing your design process has to play and how to leverage learning while doing.

UX Theatre is a term I coined to describe those projects that pay lip service to user-centered design. In my talk, I explore the theme of UX Theatre: its causes, its symptoms and what we can do about it as UXers. 

This show will pass through some questions like:

What, in fact, is the theater of ux? The organization Just creates a fake speech and vision, or they perhaps don’t know how to talk or use the UX?

Will everyone involved have this awareness?

The creation of a way of acting and thinking. Isn’t this possible from just the right designer?

For this, we invited Tanya Snook a user experience designer who focuses on citizen and employee experiences for the Government of Canada. She designs end-to-end services, content and applications with the goal of balancing the needs of citizens with those of the government staff who deliver services. She is a founder and co-chair of CanUX, Canada’s premiere user experience conference.


The past year we decided to start this new project called Good Morning UX, an extension of another show called Bom Dia UX, with such special-international guests. Actually, we invited a lot of professionals who are references for us and that have so much history in our industry.

Follow Tanya Snook on these links:

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This is the Bom Dia UX, a live show produced and launched on the Design Team channel every Wednesday at 7 am, in the Brazilian time zone. 

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