

As UX designers become more mature, they should be aware of the dangers of staging a UX theater
We have been living in a world where we know what joy is?
The book inspired has been a reference for the product market, especially digital, for a long time, including impacting the design world.
We used to work with this approach of average behavior and we have been building a solution that likely works for some people, guessing that it is enough.
As designers, we’re always looking to create a high level of design literacy across our organizations, but how do this in a way that creates its own momentum?
User Experience is arguably the best foundation for becoming a Product Manager, but it will only get you part of the way there. 
As designers, we have been talking a lot about strategy, maturity, and culture.
Is everything connected from code to culture? We're designing software, services, and experiences and intervening in ecosystems.
As designers and researchers, we have this kind of “power” to help companies to avoid mistakes, bad ideas, and guesses.
What are the problems this made in our industry when we think about IA and digital products?
For this, we invited the creator of the term AJAX and Elements of UX’s author, Jesse James Garrett to talk to us about the industry, education, his book, and the future of our profession.
“Great design comes from great designing, and great designing requires tools, support, and direction to produce the highest potential value”

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