Over the years, I have helped professionals, medium and large companies, startups from different industries, in various capacities.
If you or your company are lost in relation to the path to follow, if you feel a lack of knowledge in your team or in your career, I can help with classes, workshops and mentoring focused on career, design, design thinking, innovation, digital transformation and much more. more.
The first condition to modify reality is to know it
Eduardo Galeano
I believe that a clear purpose and understanding of the past and who we are as individuals and organizations is critical to shaping our future. Make the best decisions. Decisions that end up directing us towards more efficient, effective and growth-focused actions.
Companies that worked with me

Strategic Design Consultancy
User experience is crucial for building differentiated products in the market, reducing errors and reworks. Being more efficient, without losing quality. But it’s not just about listening to users, thinking about technology or the business, but about understanding the value proposition and how to operationalize it. Understanding the moment of your team and company, defining your goals and design strategy is as fundamental as it is difficult.
- Do you need help creating great products?
- Do you need help defining and building your design team?
- Is your design team as well-structured and efficient as you’d hoped?
- Does your company need help scaling the design team?
- Are you tracking and optimizing for key experience metrics?
- Would you like to learn and apply the best practices in managing and developing design teams?
Experience in results
With years of experience working with medium and large companies in building and maturing design teams, with a focus on user experience and building products for B2B, B2G and B2C markets, I can help you with its challenges, changing the approach in design and product, achieving the expected results with efficiency and quality.
Learn how I contribute with 20 years of experience, 8 of them in leadership, with the definition of your vision of business growth, evolution and maturation of your design team to deliver an efficient roadmap for your product and market.
How can I help you?
- Understanding its context;
- Mapping needs and objectives;
- Defining strategies and plans;
- Defining processes and tools;
- Building, maturing and scaling teams;
- Co-creating a “North Star” of principles and values
- Improving communication and alignment;
- Clarifying roles, responsibilities and skills;
- Improving hiring and evaluation practices;
- Setting actionable goals using OKRs and KPIs,;
- Empowering and coaching your leaders to get the job done.
If you're looking to unlock your team and company to achieve your business and product goals, schedule a chat with me.
Mentorship and guidance
Do you want to get into UX but don’t know where to start?
Are you a designer looking to become a design leader?
Or did they put you in the lead and feel lost?
Do you have big goals but don’t know how to accomplish them?
With so many features, it can be hard to know where to start. I work directly with professionals and companies, transforming the way they see themselves and opening their eyes to who they really are, through resources, tools and frameworks to define their path, based on their goals.
I help plan the next steps and invest time and resources in the best possible way.
For everyone
We often feel confused and anxious when we need to make some decision about our careers. Especially when we want to change jobs, or decide which course to invest in.
Are you at a crossroads and need help figuring out the next step?
You have big goals, but you don't know how to accomplish them ?
Do you need more support and skills to develop your practice?
If you are lost in relation to the path to follow, you lack some career knowledge, I can help with mentoring focused on career, design, portfolio and more. I can help with:
- Define career plan and next steps
- How to introduce myself
- How to present my work
- What to study, read and mentor
Leadership training
Moving into a design leadership role can be challenging. On the one hand, you become more senior and take on more business and people responsibilities. On the other hand, this often means giving up some craft skills “on the tools”.
My goal is to help leaders and managers create the ideal environment and conditions for their teams to perform and evolve towards company and design goals.
If you are a senior professional who wants to reach the position of leadership, or if you were unexpectedly offered the challenge, or if you are already a leader and feel you need to evolve in managing your team, I can help with:
- How to create and assemble teams
- How select and recruit professionals
- Define career plan and next steps
- How to structure and plan your team
Mentoring in numbers
Let's talk?
Looking for a coaching and training program that will teach you all the skills you need to go from executor to leader?
You can take a test, scheduling a no-obligation chat, totally free, or if you already have clarity of your objective, choose from the minimum career planning package, where we will talk about your concerns, doubts, stories and build your next steps together of career. If you are looking for something specific, in addition to the career plan, we can schedule a chat to close a personalized package.
Online career mentoring was developed to meet the circumstances of the new scenario, considering the needs of people who do not have the time and/or availability to travel to attend face-to-face sessions. The online process follows the same script and experiences the results of the face-to-face approach. The calls are carried out via google meet as agreed between the parties.
Training and workshops
Looking to improve an underperforming product or team?
Is your organization looking to empower a team or an entire area?
Or build an innovative and customer-centric language?
Whatever it is, I can help!
For teams, leaders and managers, I offer training in design leadership, research and product development, information architecture, as well as methods of innovation and digital transformation, helping to work more efficiently and build products and services with excellence.
If you or your company are lost in relation to the path to follow, if you lack some knowledge in your team or in your career, I can help with training and workshops focused on design, design thinking, innovation, digital transformation and much more.
In-person workshops range from 0.5 to 3 days. Remote workshops are custom designed as remote training, conducted in shorter sessions (typically 2-3 hours maximum) spread over several days. Most of them are also available as remote workshops.
Below are some of the trainings and workshops I offer:
Introduction to the subject of innovation, Concepts of innovation, Importance of design and user experience for innovation processes, Processes for innovation.
Provide an overview of innovation in the corporate context and new business (entrepreneurship), discussing and bringing methodologies, techniques and practice on the role of the Information Architect / UX Designer in this process. Train your team to transform the future of business, build personalized experiences to transform your company’s culture and turn challenges into innovative businesses.
- Introduction to the topic of innovation
- Innovation concepts
- Importance of design and user experience for innovation processes
- Innovation processes
- User-centric innovation process
- Discovery and Validation of Audiences and Key Users
- Discovery and validation of the problem to be solved
- Solution design and validation (experiments, MVP and prototypes)
Duration: 16 hours minimum
Who is it for?
Administrators, managers, designers, etc.
Anyone planning to set up their own business.
Who needs to reformulate their business by creating new differentials.
Price: Negotiable
The workshop aims to strategically raise the awareness of professionals about the development of their own careers, offering methodologies that enable them to lead themselves and others, evaluating how to guide their careers.
This is a different workshop, because in it you will understand what the market is like, what is required, what are your career possibilities and we will teach you how to plan and project the next steps of your seniority.
If you are migrating, have migrated or are looking to take the next step in your career, come with us!
- Have a clear view of the market context;
- See and build a level mapping that really makes sense;
- Map your own level of professional maturity;
- Being provoked into moving and not depending on anything else to do so;
- See what GAP you have and what you need to do to cover it;
- Map your strengths and understand how to get the most out of them;
- Find and set your own goals;
- Build a career development plan;
- Be provoked to be your own leader.
Duration: minimum 4 hours
Who is it for?
People who want to build a structured career plan. Who want to have a vision of the future, who seek to be promoted and seen with more seniority, who seek a career challenge.
Price: Negotiable
Provide an insight into the importance of usability and offer foundations and tools during ideation to categorize and label product information according to the audience, define the tools for searching for this information, the criteria adopted in content indexing, and design wireframes and navigation maps.
- affordance
- Usability
- heuristics
- Information Architecture
- User, context and content
- organization systems
- Labeling Systems
- Navigation Systems
- Search Systems
Duration: 16 hours minimum
Who is it for?
People who want to understand how to organize information in digital products, designers, developers, product people, ux writers, etc.
Price: Negotiable
If you don’t find what you need here, no problem, let me know what you’re up against and how I can help you.
Workshops are tailored to your organization’s scale, challenges, and leadership style.
Interested in running a workshop? Let’s talk.
Talks and events
Over the last few years, since 2015, I have participated in conferences and events, both in person and online, with the purpose of creating a culture, inspiring new thinking and setting new standards for companies and the market. In many cases, it’s important for leaders and directors to hear an outside perspective to make more informed decisions and get a project off the ground with a new approach.
I have also been a guest on several Podcasts. As a speaker, I am known for my contagious energy, seeking to create a relaxed and provocative environment, often leaving thoughts and questions unanswered. My main topics are leadership, innovation, digital transformation, information architecture, user experience and customer/user centric culture.
Formats: 15 to 45 min of content with 15 to 30 min of Q&A
Design has evolved in vision and perception within companies.
The multidisciplinary and aggregating characteristic of Design brings broad views and mediates relationships between areas. Design has the opportunity, as a scope, to be strategic since it will always be at the company’s and customer’s points of contact.
For him to stop being strategic is a waste of potential and use of team strength in the business
Being strategic goes beyond thinking only about the business, it consists of envisioning the impact of the project on society and on the lives of customers/users. In the same way that for you to win a war you need to draw up a strategy and plan. It works the same way in design, without a strategic vision the possibilities of building a bad product are greater.
For more information, please get in touch.
What used to focus on system functionality as the main success metric is now centered on an ever-evolving experience, focused on the user and their opinions.
The implementation of this process involves disseminating this culture and concern with USE, USER and CONTEXT in all sectors of the company and not thinking only of the external user, but also the internal public and even the potential user/prospect.
Learn more about the role of design in conservative or traditional scenarios, how the designer can help companies reinvent themselves amidst this wave of transformation and how to deliver value to the business.
For more information, please get in touch.
Clearly, companies have begun to see the value of the customer experience. And with that comes investment in hiring. It doesn’t necessarily mean they know what they’re looking for or hiring.
In recent years, and very few, maybe 5 years, the market has even aggressively changed. It’s impossible to count the number of design teams that emerged. How many and which companies have teams. There are some that you even wonder why.
At the same time, we have debates about the bubble and the future of the profession. The trend has been towards specialization and expansion of the spectrum of activities. Along with this, the emergence of management, head, lead, etc. vacancies is increasing.
This is where leadership is needed. Leadership is needed to speak to the business and drive this new team landscape. Creating flexible processes and embedding leaders at all levels will help move people towards new models of growth. And connecting the operation to strategy and impact are fundamental roles of the leader.
For more information, please get in touch.
A arquitetura da informação é a prática de decidir como organizar as partes de algo para ser compreensível. Um arquiteto da informação é o indivíduo que organiza os padrões inerentes aos dados, deixando claro o complexo.
Para designers é o santo graal do processo de design. O termo AI foi cunhado pelo fundador do TED, Richard Saul Wurman, em seu livro de 1976, “Ansiedade da Informação”
Se você já tentou usar alguma coisa e pensou “para onde devo ir em seguida” ou “isso não faz sentido”, você está enfrentando um problema com uma arquitetura de informação. Ela é transparência entre o produto e o cliente, onde não há visibilidade de pontos de dor aparentes, e as informações são apresentadas
de maneira clara e estruturada.
Para mais informações, favor entrar em contato.
It’s not news (or is it?) that design and user experience are the concepts that are guiding the most innovative and disruptive companies in the market in pursuit of their goals.
Technology becomes a commodity that evolves almost instantly, influencing new behaviors and the way of thinking and doing business must evolve at the same speed. It’s not an option.
But, it’s no use having the best glass, made of the best glass, with the best aesthetics, which keeps the water fresh and drinkable… if people drink water from the bottle. You will have an amazing product that nobody wants!
Sometimes the team is focused on trying to solve a technical problem, and then the million dollar question must be asked:
What user problem are we trying to solve?
For more information, please get in touch.
Purpose in life is about long-term planning to accomplish great things. Big not in size, but in the way it impacts ourselves and the environment where we are. That is, keep in mind that your purpose almost always ends up meeting someone else’s, giving it more meaning.
Who you are as a person reflects on your role as a professional. We need to be self-aware about our strengths and weaknesses. We need to start getting to know ourselves. Our weaknesses, our strengths to define the objectives.
We defined then that knowing yourself is fundamental. It is critical, to know or decide where to go. Define the impact we want to have. If you ask yourself what your goal is, start asking yourself what you are missing in your life and where you can reach.
Challenge yourself to experience a moment of freedom and make bolder, more decisive choices.
Ready to invest time in yourself?
For more information, please get in touch.
If you don’t find what you need here, no problem, let me know what you’re up against and how I can help you.
You can also book me for a lightning talk at your company event or team meeting.
I would love to speak with your organization, your team or at your event. Let’s talk.
+500 hours of Talks
From the most diverse themes, approaches and audiences in design events, technology and companies from various sectors, with the aim of disseminating the design culture, customer, consumer and user experience, as well as innovation and digital transformation, online or in person.
28.03.2023 – Advancing Your Design Career: Tips and Tricks for Moving Up the Ranks – GrowthSchool – Online
26.09.2022 – Repensando o design de experiências e processos – Petrobrás – Online
04.07.2022 – O Impacto do design: Como utilizar métricas e continuous discovery para entregar melhores produtos – Petrobras – Online
02.09.2021 – Data-driven e Customer Experience – Senior Design Experience – Online
18.07.2021 – O design pode (ou deve) ser estratégico – Seminário de UXCO – Online
16.02.2021 – Eu realmente preciso ser um líder? – Figma Meetup BR – Presencial
17.10.2020 – Afinal, qual o papel do UX designer na Transformação digital? – Mentorama – Online
02.09.2020 – “Estamos resolvendo o problema certo?” – Dia do Programador 2020 – Online
16.08.2020 – From HCI to UX: Building a New meaning through the history in the industry – ACM BR-CHI – Online
04.12.2019 – Experiência do Consumidor – Nosso jeito, nossa marca – Nakata – Presencial
06.09.2019 – Segurança vs UX: Qual relação do usuário com a segurança do sistema – Santander – Presencial
04.09.2019 – Cultura de ux e trabalho colaborativo – Totvs – Presencial
19.06.2019 – Segurança vs UX: Qual relação do usuário com a segurança do sistema – Ifood – Presencial
03.06.2019 – Indo audaciosamente onde nenhum outro designer esteve: A trajetória da transformação cultural de uma empresa com raízes militares através do design – UX Conf BR – Presencial
18.03.2019 – Realmente preciso de ux no projeto mobile? – [GDGSP] android meetup #67 – Presencial
25.09.2018 – Qual o papel do ux na transformação digital? – Gol – Presencial
18.07.2018 – Cidades um para um: Governo e Cidadão integrados com transparência, colaboração e tecnologia através do UX – TDC Floripa – Presencial
06.07.2018 – Cidades um para um: Governo e Cidadão integrados com transparência, colaboração e tecnologia através do UX – Connected Smart Cities – Presencial
21.06.2018 – User Experience: O que é, porque usar e como implementar? – Ernest Young – Presencial
20.06.2018 – Segurança vs UX: Qual relação do usuário com a segurança do sistema? – TDC SP – Presencial
13.05.2018 – Profissão Designer – ETEC Formosa na Semana Paulo Freire – Presencial
29.09.2017 – User Experience – Por que não projetar com foco no usuário pode ser fatal – Mackenzie – Presencial
17.09.2014 – Painel Design para WordPress – WordCampRJ no Senac Flamengo – Presencial