Sharing and enhancing my own understanding

Books and E-books

I believe that education is one of the keys to success and I feel I have a responsibility to share my knowledge and help the next generation of designers achieve their goals, while helping others to understand and apply the concepts in their own work.

As someone addicted and passionate about books, it would be difficult not to end up writing something, so here you will have 2 books that are in the final stages of post-production, soon to be published.


UX Decoded:

More than a didactic and educational material, it is an inspiring, provocative content, an invitation to reflection, to questioning, in a proposal to go beyond the study of Design.

This e-book is the first of a collection created from a lot of study, research, investigation and debates, in addition to the experience of two professionals in the field of Design. The focus? It is the universe of User Experience or simply UX. Based on an open and free course, a guide filled with tips and provocations, which brings fundamentals, concepts and discussions about UX Design, bibliography indications and the main academic and market references — those true beasts, when it comes to the user experience.

The free course is divided into five modules and will bring together, in addition to the e-book collection, dozens of podcast episodes, video content and support material published on a digital platform.

  1. Book 1— UX Fundamentals
  2. Book 2 — Getting to Know the User
  3. Book 3 — UX Development
  4. Book 4 — UX Validation
  5. Book 5 — Career

Reflections on the design industry 

Echoes of Good Morning UX: Design Leadership

More than a didactic and educational material, it is an inspiring, provocative content, an invitation to reflection, to questioning, in a proposal to go beyond the study of Design.

To be sure, the pandemic has been a difficult time for many, and it is undeniable that it has had a major impact on our personal and professional lives. With isolation, there was an increase in the production of digital content on various platforms. In this context, a project was created and, after more than 2 years, 4 seasons and more than 100 episodes, the idea arose to document everything that was discussed in a book. Based on the first season that was recorded live between March and December 2020, this book presents the topics discussed about the market, design, products and the pandemic.

A compilation of what was discussed in the first season, during the first year of the pandemic and the UX explosion in Brazil. In addition, we recommend that you check out the video and audio programs available on YouTube and podcast aggregators.

Content with over 250 pages:

  1. Industry
  2. Career
  3. Education
  4. Maturity
  5. The Role of the User
  6. UX beyond borders
